
What is the most important quality you look for in a recruiter when seeking job opportunities?

What is the most important quality you look for in a recruiter when seeking job opportunities?

June 08, 2023

Here at Amida Recruitment we care about understanding what characteristics our clients and candidates value the most in a recruiter. Therefore, we recently conducted a poll on LinkedIn and asked our followers what they think is the most important quality in a recruiter. The results (344 votes) showed that our followers placed most value on ‘Trustworthiness’. Results below: 

What is the most important quality you look for in a recruiter when seeking job opportunities?

Results: (344 votes) 

◾15% of you voted for 'Experience'
◾38% of you voted for 'Trustworthiness'
◾18% of you voted for 'Industry Knowledge'
◾28% of you voted for 'Communication'

Click here to see the results post.

Check out our post on the advantages of using recruiters to get a job!

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